In the spirit of 18th/19th century salon culture, the saloniéres Isabelle Arpagian, Gesine Gold and Geroma Löw are organising a 21st century Salon Privé for selected participants of the exclusive circle of the ‘grandes esprits’ to exchange ideas that define style. The gatherings are accompanied occasionally by lectures and readings by selected personalities from private and public life, ladies and gentlemen of social and intellectual relevance.
As a hub for new ideas and strategic alliances, a limited number of alternating participants from the various areas of sophisticated life are invited at infrequent intervals to exchange style-defining discussions.
The prerequisites are shared values and ideas: ‘attitude, morals & ethics’, the sharing of spirit, esprit, style, creativity, vision and inspiration. A new culture of 21st century esprit.
‘The form of socialising as an art: conversation is the art of the salon, the art of socialising.